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Why the Creative Spaces?

The Creative Spaces Keep Kids Inspired

Our Creative Spaces are where kids can be themselves, explore the arts and find creative inspiration. 


Creative Spaces provide families with fun options to keep kids active and inspired. Parents love that when their kids join a Creative Space they are not just sitting passively in front of a screen. Instead, they are moving, laughing, creating and engaging with peers and Teaching Artists alike. The Creative Spaces offer a variety of programs in the creative arts that may no longer be available in school. Kids are encouraged to dip into as many Creative Spaces as they like and explore the arts freely.


The Creative Spaces are:


  • Live online programs in the creative arts


  • Interactive. Kids build community, friendships and confidence


  • Taught by professional Teaching Artists who bring their unique talent to each class they teach


  • Unique and diverse with Creative Spaces in Singing, Art, Dance, Musical Theater, Movement, Acting, Strumming and Community


  • A safe, secure environment where kids are comfortable expressing themselves creatively, taking artistic risks and being themselves


  • Not like school. "If it feels like school, then we are doing something wrong," says Mr. D


  • When you want them. Plan to participate in a whole series and SAVE or sign up for individual classes as your schedule allows


Our son is really enjoying the online classes and we definitely feel like we’ve stumped into something really special!

~ Kelly K., Berkeley, CA 2020

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